

时间:2016-09-13 21:02:46 语录 我要投稿





  Today, we will have the history and future of welding, baton of the times we rely on it, standing at a new starting line resounding answer: to write the Chinese youth more bright poem, love the motherland, mother, listen to your children call in deep. We want to express to your deep love with action, that is to make our efforts to learn so that we will use as tough as steel, we sweat to make our country a beautiful land more bright and colorful, let the Chinese splendid history to cast new glories.


  The start of the new year, is running the starting point, the beginning of all things traditional. New beginning, to sow new seeds, the seed is full of poetic, depicts the blueprint, breeds the future, is a prelude to the harvest. A good beginning is half the success. We want to do a really good first step, and each step


  The sun, a light, bright five-star red flag rising in their national anthem, it is fluttering, floating over nine million and six hundred thousand wide fertile land, floating face it in all Chinese hearts, we can not restrain my respect, we are proud of it.


  When the five star red flag is rising in the government building, we shoulder and shoulder, with our hands to play the new music for our great motherland.


  When I was young, my motherland was engraved in my heart, one of the stories about the Chinese hero, a beautiful fairy tale about China, my heart will hook up, with the history of the ups and downs.


  The motherland is the care of our mother, is the cradle of life, is a Chinese pride in you, to celebrate the 62 anniversary of the, my blood boiling, surging thoughts. Whenever we look at the five-star red flag, sing the National Anthem every time, the patriotic feeling in our hearts.


  I have mixed feelings towards the national day, infinite emotion. In order to realize the lofty ideal, to study hard, study hard now, become a man of tremendous promise to repay the motherland, the future to repay teacher, serving the people.


  Welcome national day, my heart waves, thoughts rolling. When I grow up, to become a scientist, invented a generation of new products, let people reduce the burden, promote the development of high-tech country, make our country in a leading position, to the motherland, to the world a new appreciation, let the teacher sweat not in vain, not in vain.


  The motherland is becoming stronger and stronger. Give me the color of the motherland, give me wisdom and courage of the motherland, a wave of reform repeatedly, to break through the old beam pump, sunrise majestic new century! The Oriental giant, he, stood up!


  National Day is the annual kind of the motherland mother's birthday, in this special day, I want to say to the motherland mother, you have worked hard. I wish you a happy holiday! Mother's mother is like the students' care, family care, the teacher's care. Mother you are really great!


  1. 热爱自己的祖国是理所当然的事。 —— 海涅

  2. 我们要把心灵里的美丽的激情献给祖国。——普希金

  3. 人民不能没有面包而生活,人民也不能没有祖国而生活。——雨果

  4. 我是你的,我的祖国!都是你的,我的这心、这灵魂;假如我不爱你,我的祖国,我能爱哪一个人? —— 裴多菲

  5. 纵使世界给我珍宝和荣誉,我也不愿离开我的祖国。因为纵使我的祖国在耻辱之中,我还是喜欢、热爱、祝福我的祖国!——裴多菲

  6. 为祖国而死,那是最美的命运啊! —— 大仲马

  7. 爱祖国,首先要了解祖国;不了解,就说不上爱。——任继愈

  8. 最大的荣誉是保卫祖国的荣誉。——亚里士多德

  9. 人不仅为自己而生,而且也为祖国活着。——柏拉图

  10. 为祖国倒下的人,他的死是光荣的。——荷马

  11. 我重视祖国的利益,甚于自己的生命和我所珍爱的儿女。——莎士比亚

  12. 我怀着比对我自己的生命更大的尊敬、神圣和严肃,去爱国家的利益。——莎士比亚

  13. 我们为祖国服务,也不能都采用同一方式,每个人应该按照资禀,各尽所能。 —— 歌德

  14. 我所谓共和国里的美德,是指爱祖国、也就是爱平等而言。这并不是一种道德上的美德,也不是一种基督教的美德,而是政治上的美德。 —— 孟德斯鸠

  15. 祖国,我永远忠于你,为你献身,用我的琴声永远为你歌唱和战斗。 —— 肖邦

  16. 爱祖国高于一切。——肖邦

  17. 人类最高的道德标准是什么?那就是爱国心。——拿破仑

  18. 为了国家的利益,使自己的一生变为有用的一生,纵然只能效绵薄之力,我也会热血沸腾。 —— 果戈理

  19. 没有祖国,就没有幸福。每个人必须植根于祖国的土壤里。——屠格涅夫








