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  Sample Press Release:

  CrabTech Hermit Crab Shells and HermitHomes announce merger

  By James Downey

  August 10, 20xx

  Portland, OR – Locally owned CrabTech Hermit Crab Shells announced today that it will be merging with Miami-based crab shell superstore HermitHomes effective December 21, 20xx. Company officials are expected to meet with Crab Construction Union officials later this month to discuss employee benefits and retirement packages.

  CrabTech officials expect this merger to improve investor confidence and widen its customer base. In addition to shells, CrabTech stores will now stock aquariums, heating stones, and crab socialization areas.

  The merger will permit HermitHomes factories in Virginia and Colorado to construct CrabTech's patented BioShells and Shellac-Attack hermit crab shells. In exchange, CrabTech stores will be opened in Maine and Michigan, with construction and product selection completed by HermitHomes contractors.

  More information is expected to be released following a shareholders meeting on August 20, 20xx.

  About CrabTech Hermit Crab Shells

  CrabTech opened its first store in Portland in 1996 and is owned by Jesse and Jean Callahan. It has enjoyed 16 years as an independent company and has six stores in Oregon and Washington.

  CrabTech will uphold its promise to stimulate the local economy. Known for its biodegradable temporary shells and sustainably harvested shellac, the company also intends to maintain its commitment to environmentally friendly business practices. For more information, please visit .

  About HermitHomes

  HermitHomes is a Miami-based crab shell dealer. It specializes in wholesome, crab-healthy living and is committed to using only American labor to create and market its products. It has 68 stores nationwide, as well asfour overseas in France and Chile. For more information, please visit .


  To learn more about this merger, please contact

  Bill Stickers, Media Relations

  1246 NE Sandy Blvd. Ste. 210A




  最后,此次比赛在一段精彩的魔术表中落下帷幕。 蔡严丽篇二:英语演讲比赛活动报道 英语演讲比赛活动报道20xx年3月23日,由机械工程学院社团联合会主办,英语协会承办做英语演讲比赛在2229举行,学生会各部长担任了此次比赛的评委。本次比赛从20xx年3月23日正式来开帷幕,从初赛到决赛,经过激烈的角逐,共有10名优胜者从60多名参赛选手中脱颖而出。比赛分为限时自我介绍,随机话题演讲和才艺表演三个部分。参赛选手精心准备,在比赛的每一个环节,用自信生动的语言真诚饱满的热情表达了对世界的看法,更展现了自己的才艺和风采。最后英语协会会长吴天成对整场活动进行了点评。

  此次活动只在活跃校园英语学习氛围,激发同学们学英语,说英语的热情,同时也为同学们展现自信自强的风采提供了舞台。 篇三:重大城科第二届英语演讲比赛决赛新闻稿 重大城科第二届英语演讲比赛决赛新闻稿 ——放飞激情 燃烧梦想20xx年4月8日晚19:30分,重庆大学城市科技学院在主教学楼XX1成功隆重举办了由重庆大学城市科技学院校团委主办,e-zone英语协会及人文学院团总支共同承办的第二届英语演讲比赛决赛。

  此次比赛目的在于进一步加强当下校园文化建设,引导广大青年学生强化学习意识,培养国际眼光,提高独立思考和语言表达等能力,此次决赛是重庆市演讲比赛的准备赛,届时代表我校参加比赛的选手将是本次校园区演讲比赛的优胜选手。比赛伴随着选手的开场秀,英文歌合唱“tomorrow will be better”中隆重拉开帷幕,比赛分为命题演讲,即兴演讲及外教提问三个环节,经过激烈角逐,最终非专业组郝永华和专业组李元杰同学荣获冠军。此次比赛邀请到了我校来自美国的外语教师kapala,以及陈宏和林光奕教授等共七位评委老师,对经过初赛和复赛选拔出来的非专业组及专业组共计17位优秀选手进行了精彩点评。最后由评委老师们为获奖选手颁奖,在现场观众热烈的掌


  选手风采 ——李亚薇篇四:英语演讲比赛新闻稿我院王子鸣同学在外语文化节演讲比赛中取得优异 成绩XX月30日18时30分,我校外语文化节演讲比赛在外国语学院隆重举行。本次比赛由校团委,国际交流与合作处,学工部以及教务处主办,外国语学院承办。应邀出席本次比赛的领导有我校教务处处长林秋华,校团委社团部部长任永明,外国语学院党委书记许崇波以及文学院高级辅导员孙世友,此外担任评委的还有赵永梅,王平,顾慧萍等老师。王子鸣同学代表我院参加了本次比赛。 首先由主持人致以慷慨激昂的开场白,并就比赛规则及评分标准进行了简要说明。接下来,比赛正式拉开帷幕,比赛分为“演讲”和“即兴回答”两个环节。此次共有 19 个来自不同学院的同学参加了比赛。我院王子鸣同学的演讲《what we can’t afford to lose is process》,或慷慨激昂,或深情低沉,或情感真挚,将青春风采展现得淋漓尽致。并且她凭借清晰流利的口语,声情并茂的演讲获得了评委老师的一致赞赏。在“即兴问答”环节,王子鸣同学凭借较高的英语水平、较强的临场发挥能力和应变能力,从容回答所选问题,赢得(转载于:英语演讲比赛新闻稿)观众阵阵掌声。最后我院王子鸣同学获得比赛的一等奖并接受了许崇波书记的颁奖。 通过本次比赛,不仅给同学们提供发挥才能的.舞台,充分展现我院学生的优秀风采,而且有助于营造我院英语学习氛围,调动全院学生学习英语的积极性。同时丰富了校园文化,推动我院英语教学建设。篇五:英文演讲比赛复赛新闻稿20xx年5月XX日晚19:30怀化学院外语系举办怀化学院大学生英文演讲比赛(专业组)

  暨第十二届英文演讲比赛复赛,此次比赛的目的在于为学生营造良好的英语学习氛围,提升同学们的综合语言运用能力,展现外语系学生的良好风貌。 比赛分为主题演讲和即兴问答两个环节,复赛选手按年级分三组进行比赛: 先进行定题演讲(限时3分钟),演讲结束后,评委提问一个问题,选手回答限时1分钟。


  禹淑英、李昌其老师共9位老师担任评委,对选手进行现场即兴提问。比赛分组、分年级设立奖项,最终选取15名选手进入决赛。经过激烈的角逐,15名优秀选手脱颖而出晋级决赛,分别为20xx级一等奖1名、20xx级一等奖1名,二等奖4名,三等奖5名、20xx级设立一等奖1名,二等奖2名。 在观众的热烈掌声中,怀化学院外语系英语演讲比赛复赛圆满结束。 活动细则:



  WASHINGTON, Aug. 24 (Xinhua) -- . President Donald Trump was nominated for a second term on Monday at the 20xx Republican National Convention (RNC) in Charlotte, North Carolina, which has been scaled back due to the coronavirus pandemic.

  Trump arrived at the Charlotte Convention Center on Monday afternoon, where over 300 delegates met in person for a roll call vote to formally nominate him and Vice President Mike Pence for the 20xx Republican presidential ticket.

  ^v^I felt an obligation to come to North Carolina,^v^ Trump told the delegates inside a ballroom during the unannounced trip. ^v^It's a place that has been very good to me.^v^

  In rally-style remarks, the president touted achievements of his first term, focused on his administration's response to the pandemic, again attacked mail-in voting, and lashed out at Democrats who held their national convention virtually last week and some media outlets' coverage of the RNC.

  He also touched upon a series of policy priorities for the next four years if he is re-elected, including creating jobs, cutting taxes, lowering drug prices, and continuing the military buildup.

  The nomination was part of the four-day RNC themed ^v^Honoring the Great American Story,^v^ with each night having a sub-theme. On Monday, it is ^v^Land of Promise,^v^ which a Trump campaign official said honors ^v^the promises President Donald J. Trump has kept since his first presidential campaign.^v^

  Speakers for the RNC's opening night will include former . Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, and the president's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr.

  Trump, who is expected to make an appearance on each of the four nights at the RNC, will deliver an acceptance speech on Thursday night from the White House South Lawn.

  On Monday, a group of Republicans opposing Trump is holding ^v^Convention on Founding Principles^v^ in Charlotte, a gathering that organizers claimed would be an alternative to the RNC.

  More than two dozen former Republican members of Congress, including former Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona, endorsed former . Vice President and 20xx Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden for president on Monday.

  ^v^Today, given what we have experienced over the past four years, it's not enough just to register our disapproval of the president,^v^ Flake said in a live video on several social media platforms explaining his decision. ^v^We need to elect someone else in his place - someone who will stop the chaos and reverse the damage.^v^

  Biden, who formally accepted the Democratic Party's 20xx presidential nomination on the final night of its convention last week, leads Trump by percentage points nationally, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average. Trump, however, has repeatedly dismissed polls showing him falling behind.


  Joaquin Guzman, one of the world's most wanted drug tycoons, is known as EI Chapo or shorty was arrested in northwest Mexico, and the former leader of the Sinaloa drug cartel was taken to the barracks with more people from Mexico City. Will grant wakin ichabo Guzman, who escaped arrest since his escape in, was able to run the Sinaloa cartel, the largest and most powerful drug cartel in Latin America, with impunity 。 It is reported that Guzman finally succeeded in a hotel in mazlan, his hometown of Sinaloa. This operation is called a joint operation of American and Mexican troops.

  Not only is Guzman one of the most wanted drug lords in the world, he is also one of the richest people, accumulating personal wealth believed to be more than one billion dollars.


  世界头号通缉xxx大亨之一约金·古兹曼(Joaquin Guzman)被称为艾查波(EI Chapo)或肖蒂(Shorty)在墨西哥西北部被捕,前锡那罗亚xxx集团的前领导人与更多来自墨西哥城的人一起被带到军营,威尔·格兰特华金·艾查波·古兹曼自年越狱以来一直逃避逮捕,他能够管理拉丁美洲最大和最强大的xxx集团,锡那罗亚xxx集团,而不受惩罚。据报道,古兹曼最终在其家乡锡那罗亚州的马兹兰市的'一家酒店里得逞,这次行动被称为美墨军队的联合行动,不仅是古兹曼他是世界上最受通缉的毒枭之一,他也是最富有的人之一,积累了被认为超过10亿美元的个人财富。


  CAPE TOWN, Sept. 3 (Xinhua) -- South African Deputy President David Mabuza on Thursday vowed to restructure embattled electricity utility Eskom in a phased manner to ensure energy stabilization.

  The government is pleased with the progress being made to transform Eskom under new CEO, Andre de Ruyter, Mabuza said while replying to oral questions in the National Council of Provinces (NCOP), or Upper House of Parliament.

  This came after another round of rolling power blackouts plunged the country into darkness.

  Mabuza said the government has taken a view that Eskom must be supported to implement a comprehensive turnaround program to ensure that the utility develops and enhances its requisite institutional capabilities to meet the country's energy needs.

  Mabuza sidestepped a question about whether state-run Eskom would be privatized, saying South Africans must be confident that ^v^we are going to get out of this problem.^v^

  He reiterated that the government has taken a view that Eskom must be funded to meet the country's energy needs.

  On Wednesday, Eskom informed Parliament's Standing Committee on Appropriations that its gross debt stood at 488 billion rand (about billion . dollars).

  Eskom Chief Financial Officer Calib Cassiem admitted that without the government's recapitalization, Eskom would not have been in a position to meet its obligations.

  Mabuza said that despite the current challenge of continued load shedding, South Africans should be confident that this will be sorted out once the Medupi power plant in Limpopo Province is incorporated into the national grid.

  He apologized for continued disruptions of power supply which he said were caused by maintenance challenges.

  South Africa's power crisis worsened on Wednesday when Eskom escalated the level of load shedding from level two to level four.

  This was the highest level of load shedding that has been implemented this year.

  Stage two load shedding allows up to 2,000 MW to be shed, while stage four calls for 4,000 MW to be rotationally cut off.

  Under stage four load shedding, South Africans have to endure unscheduled power cuts at any given time without any warning for close to four hours at a time.

  Eskom attributed the escalation to the continuing severe generation supply constraints caused by multiple unit breakdowns as well as the additional demand caused by the cold weather.

  The country has been hit by three rounds of load shedding since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early March.

  South Africa has suffered from electricity insufficiency for more than a decade, with power blackouts having become increasingly frequent in recent years.

  Load shedding costs the country billions of rands a day and trillions over the years.


  来自全国各地、四面八方的一百余个热爱英语的朋友相聚一起,英语俱乐部会长首先代表整个协会对所有成员的加入表示真诚的欢迎,也以丰富的PPT内容向会员们详细介绍了English Club的`历史、发展和未来规划。当PPT放映到English Club建于至今有7个年头了,她带领一批批英语爱好者经历了晨读、口语训练、四六级讲座等活动;体会了卡拉ok大赛、话剧表演的精彩;感受了一起骑车出游聚餐的快乐;伴随着一张张纪念的照片,所有会员给于了响亮的掌声,在这声音里我们听到了大家对英语俱乐部的认可,对每个英语爱好者所付出努力的肯定,相信也有对自己的正确选择表示高兴。

  当会长问道“你们有没有信心在英语俱乐部一直坚持下去,yes or no?”场下发出了整齐而坚定的回答“Yes!”当会长问道“告诉我们,你们行不行?”又一声“Yes!”,震撼全场。他们的回答就像英语俱乐部的口号“Open your mouth,Open your world”一样响亮。Just do it !只要你相信行,你就行!




  The birth of computers has brought with it a new set of opportunities for mischief and crime. Today,The birth of computers has brought with it a new set of opportunities for mischief and crime. Today, computers are easy to come by and many people know how computer technology 11 . More importantly, the growing use of computer networks can multiply the violation of security, making large numbers of people more vulnerable than would be the case if they were using 12 , stand-alone computers.

  Whats more, computer experts agree that despite recent widespread publicity-computer viruses are 13 one of the many computer security problems facing the nation.

  The U. S. Defense Advanced Resea rch Project Agency has requested that the Research Councils Science and Technology Board 14 the security problems posed by computer technology, see what 15 may already exist, review research efforts 16 at avoiding security problems in the future, and evaluate existing policies 17 to computer security. The study committee will examine the 18 of security for a broad spectrum of users, including the business, national security, and academic communities, as well as the 19 public.

  David. Clark, senior research scientist, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will chair the 20 of experts in

  electronic security, net-work security, computer law, software engineering ? and operating systems. The committee will also include computer users from the defense and banking industries.



  XX月30日18时30分,我校外语文化节演讲比赛在外国语学院隆重举行。本次比赛由校团委,国际交流与合作处,学工部以及教务处主办,外国语学院承办。应邀出席本次比赛的领导有我校教务处处长林秋华,校团委社团部部长任永明,外国语学院党委书记许崇波以及文学院高级辅导员孙世友,此外担任评委的还有赵永梅,王平,顾慧萍等老师。王子鸣同学代表我院参加了本次比赛。 首先由主持人致以慷慨激昂的开场白,并就比赛规则及评分标准进行了简要说明。接下来,比赛正式拉开帷幕,比赛分为“演讲”和“即兴回答”两个环节。此次共有 19 个来自不同学院的同学参加了比赛。我院王子鸣同学的演讲《what we can’t afford to lose is process》,或慷慨激昂,或深情低沉,或情感真挚,将青春风采展现得淋漓尽致。并且她凭借清晰流利的口语,声情并茂的演讲获得了评委老师的一致赞赏。在“即兴问答”环节,王子鸣同学凭借较高的英语水平、较强的临场发挥能力和应变能力,从容回答所选问题,赢得观众阵阵掌声。最后我院王子鸣同学获得比赛的一等奖并接受了许崇波书记的'颁奖。



  We are drowning in news. Reuters alone puts out three-and-a-half million news stories a year. That's just one source.


  My question is: How many of those stories are actually going to matter in the long run? That's the idea behind The Long News. It's a project by The Long Now Foundation, which was founded by TED sters including Kevin Kelly and Stewart Brand. And what we're looking for is news stories that might still matter 50 or 100 or 10,000 years from now. And when you look at the news through that filter, a lot falls by the wayside.

  我的问题是:这些新闻到底有多少是长期有影响的?这就是“长远新闻”(Long News)的意义。这是由Long Now基金会提出的一个项目。基金会是由TED成员建立的,包括Kevin Kelly和Stewart Brand。我们试图找出那些仍然会有深远影响的新闻故事,50,100或者是一万年以后。我是说新闻进过上述条件过滤后,很多都会落在一边。

  If you take the top stories from the . this last year: Is this going to matter in a decade? Or this? Or this? Really? Is this going to matter in 50 or 100 years? Okay, that was kind of cool. (Laughter) But the top story of this past year was the economy. And I'm just betting that, sooner or later, this particular recession is going to be old news.


  So, what kind of stories might make a difference for the future? Well, let's take [medicine]. Someday, little robots will go through our bloodstreams fixing things. That someday is already here if you're a mouse. Some recent stories: Nanobees zap tumors with real bee venom. They're sending genes into the brain. [They've built a robot] that can crawl through the human body.


  What about resources? How are we going to feed nine billion people? We're having trouble feeding six billion today. As we heard yesterday, there's over a billion people hungry. Britain will starve without genetically modified crops. Bill Gates, fortunately, has bet a billion on agri research.


  What about global politics? The world's going to be very different when and if China sets the agenda, and they may. They've overtaken the . as the world's biggest car market. They've overtaken Germany as the largest exporter. And they've started doing DNA tests on kids to choose their careers.


  We're finding all kinds of ways to push back the limits of what we know. Some recent discoveries: There's an ant colony from Argentina that has now spread to every continent but Antarctica. There's a self-directed robot scientist that's made a discovery. Soon, science may no longer need us. And life may no longer need us either. A microbe wakes up after 120,000 years. It seems that with or without us life will go on.


  But my pick for the top Long News story of this past year was this one, water found on the moon. Makes it a lot easier to put a colony up there. And if NASA doesn't do it, China might, or somebody in this room might write a big check.


  My point is this: In the long run, some news stories are more important than others.



  (3)地点:外语楼 20xx级a-101,20xx级a-304,20xx级a-301。

  (4)主题:i am a college student


  复赛选手按年级分三组进行比赛: 先进行定题演讲(限时3分钟),演讲结束后,评委提问一个问题,选手回答限时1分钟。定题演讲是参赛选手围绕赛前给定的主题,写好演讲稿进行演讲;评委用英语提问,可以是与选手演讲主题有关的问题、选手在演讲过程中涉及的问题,也可以是评委感兴趣的问题,选手一律用英语进行回答。

  (6)要求:① 演讲不得超过规定时间; ② 紧扣主题,观点鲜明,逻辑性强; ③ 语言有感染力,得体大方; ④ 问题回答言简意赅。


  参赛选手的分数由两部分组成 :定题演讲部分(该部分占总分的70%) 回答问题部分(该部分占总分的.30%)评分细则为: 发音15分内容30分 仪态仪表10分 语言能力20分应变能力15分 总体印象10分 总分100分


  20xx级评委:姜苓、张弛、汪黎黎 20xx级评委:谢锦芳、李静、向要立 20xx级评委:郭嘉蓓、禹淑英、李昌其












