

时间:2016-11-04 17:52:57 语录 我要投稿



  1、Memories, beautiful very hurt, memories, memories of the past but can not go back.回忆,很美,却很伤;回忆,只是回不到过去的记忆。

  2、If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.如果你想幸福,那么就设定一个目标,让它来指导你的思想,释放你的能量,启发你的灵感和希望。

  3、Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts. Others come into our lives and make us wanna leave footprints on their face.有些人进入我们的生命,在我们的心上留下脚印;有些人进入我们的生命,让我们想在他的脸上留下脚印。

  4、Favour is deceitful,and beauty is vain.宠爱是欺诈的,美丽是空虚的。

  5、Do not delay anything that adds laughter and joy to your life.不要延迟任何可以给你的生活带来欢笑与快乐的事情。


  1、 Fear is really powerful;it's really useful to me. 恐惧有强大的力量,它对我有很大的帮助。 ——James McAvoy 《BrainQuote和詹姆斯麦卡沃伊吧——一美的`语录James McAvoy Quotes》

  2、 "Nobody can be whatever they want to be. No kid can do whatever they want to do. It's a total lie. But they have the right to try and do whatever they want to do. That's their right, to aim to do whatever they want to do. 没有人可以成为他想成为的任何人。没有哪个小孩可以做他想做的任何事。那些话都是骗人的。但人们有权利尝试去做他们想做任何的事。他们的权利是怀有梦想。 ——James McAvoy 《BrainQuote和詹姆斯麦卡沃伊吧——一美的语录James McAvoy Quotes》"

  3、 "If a scene is three pages long, quite often people break it up and do a page, say 'cut' then move on to the next bit, they do it in cuts. I don't really like doing that; I like to go through it all in one organic run, then give notes afterward. A little bit more like theater. ——James McAvoy 《BrainQuote和詹姆斯麦卡沃伊吧——一美的语录James McAvoy Quotes》"

  4、 "I've played a lot of very posh, sort of noble or aristocratic English people, which is nothing like what I am, so I feel that there is quite a lot distance there and have played a little bit far away from myself. 我扮演过很多雅致、高贵或者有贵族气派的英国人,他们都不像我,所以我觉得他们离我有着很长的距离。 ——James McAvoy 《BrainQuote和詹姆斯麦卡沃伊吧——一美的语录James McAvoy Quotes》"

  5、 "I've done enough for a while and people get fed up of seeing you, but apart from that, although I'm young, I need a bit of rest. You could say I have become a house husband. It's not a new man thing, it's just largely a boring man who doesn't mind staying in the house thing. ——James McAvoy 《BrainQuote和詹姆斯麦卡沃伊吧——一美的语录James McAvoy Quotes》"

  6、 "I'm instinctively very suspicious and guarded, and I try to counteract it so much. I find reason allows you to be open, and my only sort of ambition in life is to try and be as open as possible. 我本性疑心重又谨慎,我非常努力地尝试着克服这点。我会发现一些可以让自己更放得开的理由,我人生最大的抱负就是尽可能地开放。(嘴巴上是豪放派,其实比谁都保守...) ——James McAvoy 《BrainQuote和詹姆斯麦卡沃伊吧——一美的语录James McAvoy Quotes》"

  7、 "I was talking to one of my aunties at Christmas and she said she didn't think it was ever in my nature to go against the grain, that I was always a good boy. I think she was right - I did always want to be good. 有次圣诞节,我和我的一个姑姑聊天,她说她不觉得我的天性中有任何忤逆他人的叛逆特质,我从来都是好男孩。我觉得她说得对——我的确一直都想做个好人。 ——James McAvoy 《BrainQuote和詹姆斯麦卡沃伊吧——一美的语录James McAvoy Quotes》"

  8、 "I wanted to be a doctor at one point and I also wanted to be a pilot. I think if you grow up in a dodgy area, reality often beats down those ambitions as you get older. But with me that never really happened. 我曾想做一名医生,我还想过成为飞行员。我觉得如果你在困难的环境中长大,随着年龄的增长,现实总会把那些梦想打倒。但对我来说,这样的事不曾有过。 ——James McAvoy 《BrainQuote和詹姆斯麦卡沃伊吧——一美的语录James McAvoy Quotes》"

  9、 "I try to keep my life low key, and I don't like going to parties unless they're thrown by a friend of mine, or they're to do with a project I'm in, or it's because I've been nominated for an award. 我努力让自己的生活保持低调。我不喜欢参加聚会,除非是我的朋友举办的,或是和我参与的电影电视有关,要不就是我被某个奖项提名了。 ——James McAvoy 《BrainQuote和詹姆斯麦卡沃伊吧——一美的语录James McAvoy Quotes》"

  10、 "I don't really... go to 'the opening of an envelope.' I don't really turn up to all the events, you know what I mean? If I'm involved, I'll go, and if there's a good friend who needs support, I'll go, but otherwise... I don't go. I'm probably just a bit like my grandparents; I like staying in. ——James McAvoy 《BrainQuote和詹姆斯麦卡沃伊吧——一美的语录James McAvoy Quotes》"








