
时间:2017-03-25 14:19:40 租赁合同 我要投稿





  合同编号: 展馆方(甲方): 承租方(乙方):

  根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及其他法律、法规的规定,甲、 乙双方在自愿、平等、公平、诚实信用的基础上,就会展场地租赁的 有关事宜达成如下协议。

  第一条 租赁场地及用途: 乙方租用甲方总面积为 平方米的场地(下称“租赁区域”)。

  具体位置: 用途:用于乙方举办 活动。

  第二条 租赁期限: 租赁期限为: 第三条使用时限: 乙方使用租赁区域的时限为每日 时至 时。

  在租赁期 限内,乙方应在约定的时限内使用租赁区域;如乙方需在约定时限之 外使用租赁区域的,应提前征得甲方同意,并向甲方支付超时使用费。

  其他: 第四条 租金支付:



  场地类型 24 点以前 24 点以后 馆内 人民币 /馆/小时 人民币 /馆/小时 馆外 人民币 /千平方米/小时 人民币 /千平方米/小时 3、租金预付: 定金:甲方在 (最高不得超过总价款20%)。




  第五条 甲方提供的基本服务:






  如乙方需在约定时间之外开放空调,应征得甲方同意,并向甲方 支付超时使用费。




  2、如乙方需甲方提供基本服务之外的其他服务,双方应另行达 成补充协议。

  第六条 设施的使用:

  1、甲方应在签约前向乙方如实说明与租赁区域有关的场地情况, 并向乙方提供场地设施技术数据等书面资料。

  乙方应向甲方如实说明 会展情况,并根据甲方提供的数据资料判断场地是否满足会展需求。

  甲方未如实提供场地、设施的有关情况而造成乙方办展活动无法 顺利进行的,应赔偿由此给乙方造成的损失;乙方未如实说明展品情 况,造成场地设施无法满足展品需要的,乙方自行承担损失,造成甲 方场地设施损坏的,应承担赔偿责任。




  除原建筑的照明用电 外,其余用电乙方应按实际使用量向甲方支付电费。

  电费计费标准以 为准。

  如对水、电的供应有特别要求, 乙方应在进场前 日向甲方提出申请,并承担所产生的全部费用。

  4、乙方如需在租赁区域内租用甲方电话、家具等设备的,应提 日与甲方办理租用手续。


  5、乙方不得对甲方在租赁区域和公共区域的形象、布局、建筑 结构和基础设施进行任何形式的变动和修改。

  在租赁期限内,乙方如 需在租赁区域内的柱子、墙面或廊道上进行装修、设计或张贴,应事 先征得甲方书面许可,否则甲方有权予以即时拆除,由此产生的一切 费用和责任均由乙方承担。

  6、在租赁期限内,双方应共同保持租赁区域和公共区域的清洁 和畅通。

  7、如无甲方书面特别许可,下列物品禁止进入甲方场馆: (1)危险物,包括但不限于武器、枪、刀、剑、弹、炸药 易燃物、放射物或其他危险物品。



  8、租赁期限开始的第一天,甲、乙双方应对租赁场地和相关设 施进行联合检查并就租赁场地的状况签署确认书,并以此作为乙方撤 租时接受甲方检验的依据。

  乙方应对租赁期限内因其举办的会展活动 所造成的租赁区域和公共区域设施折本的损害承担赔偿责任。

  9、若甲方采用门禁系统管理各种人流出入展馆的,乙方租用甲 方展馆即表明乙方同意使用甲方的门禁系统以及和门禁系统相关的 各种票证。


  第七条 展台搭建、设备安装和会展物品运输:

  1、乙方所有展台搭建和设备安装工作必须符合国家有关安全、 消防及环保的规定,并于租赁期限开始 日之前与甲方保卫部门签 订《安全消防责任书》。

  乙方及其承包商应在正式施工开始 前向甲方提交施工图纸,并报有关部门审查,获书面批准后方可施工。


  2、为确保会展活动的安全进行,乙方及其参展公司选择施工单 位应征询甲方意见。

  因施工单位的行为给甲方场地设备设施造成损害 的,乙方应承担赔偿责任。


  第八条 对参观者的管理和紧急时间的处理: 乙方确认签约时已得到甲方《 展览场馆 使用手册》并同意遵守甲方有关规定,特别是关于参观者的管理以及 协助甲方处理紧急情况的规定。

  乙方确认将向甲方提供在紧急情况下 所必要的协助并听从甲方授权人员的'指挥。

  第九条 保险: 乙方有责任投保场馆租赁期限的公众责任险和工伤事故险等险 种。

  乙方会展活动中,包括布展、展出和撤展期间所发生的意外人身 安全、工伤事故,均由乙方投保相关险种。

  第十条 甲方权利义务:

  1、甲方有权监督乙方在租赁期限内遵守本合同约定及甲方的有 关规章制度,并对乙方违反有关约定的行为予以制止。

  2、甲方应按约定为乙方提供场地及相关配套设施和经营条件, 保障乙方正常的会展活动。


  4、甲方应对市场进行物业管理,并负责场内的安全防范和经营 设施的建设及维护,包括:建筑物(包括公共区域及租赁场地)的管 理及维修保养,对乙方装修的审查和监督,水、电、气、空调、电梯、 扶梯等设备、管道、线路、设施及系统的管理、维修及保养,清洁管 理,保安管理并负责市场的公共安全,消防管理,内外各种通道、道 路、停车场的管理。

  第十一条 乙方权利义务:

  1、乙方应按照约定用途使用甲方场地,自觉遵守甲方依法制定 的各项规章制度,服从甲方的监督。



  租赁期限届满, 乙方应按时把自己及参展商的所有物品(展台、展架、遗弃物以及垃 圾)移出租赁区域。

  有关物品未能按时移出的,甲方将视为遗弃物进 行处理。

  乙方也可以委托甲方对上述物品进行清理,所需费用由乙方 承担。

  4、乙方应合理使用场内的各项设施,如需安装设备、摆放展品、 设置宣传广告等,应先征得甲方同意,造成损坏的应承担修复或赔偿 责任。

  5、乙方举办的为国际展览会的,应根据国家及北京市出入境管 理的有关规定,于展览会开幕前 个工作日内,将 报送甲方,由甲方转报北京出入境检验检疫局。

  6、未经甲方书面许可,乙方不得在租赁区域内进行任何形式的 广告或促销活动。

  展览期间,乙方及其工作人员和参展商不得从事商 品销售及其他与会展活动无关的其他活动。

  7、乙方保证自己和自己的客户不会对甲方或甲方场所进行的其 他展览会有任何攻击、损害或干扰的不正当竞争行为。

  8、乙方负责对自己财产进行妥善保管,并保证其展品或其他物 品,将不占用或堆放在非租赁区域(包括室外场地),否则甲方有权 予以处理,所需费用由乙方承担。

  9、未经甲方许可,乙方不得在公共区域搭建展台、宣传广告等 设施,否则甲方有权予以拆除,所需费用将由乙方承担。

  10、乙方保证其参展商在会展期间不将展台私自出租、出售;会 展活动结束后不将所搭建展台出售。

  如出现上述情况,甲方将予以取 缔并拆除,所需费用将由乙方承担,

  11、乙方应当要求起参展商在会展活动过程中不得出现侵犯只是 产权、违规销售等行为。

  12、乙方会展活动筹办过程中的宣传和展出实际内容及标识必须 与本合同内所注明的会展活动名称保持一致,否则甲方有权终止本合 同,并向乙方追究有关责任。

  13、乙方如为宣传会展活动而需使用甲方名称、商标和标识,应 事先取得甲方书面同意,否则乙方应承担由此产生的法律责任。

  14、其他: 第十二条 违约责任:

  1、甲方未按约定提供场地或用水、用电等市场内的经营设施或 条件致使乙方不能正常经营的,应减收相应租金,乙方有权要求甲方 继续履行合同或解除合同,并要求甲方赔偿相应的损失。

  2、甲方未按约定投保致使乙方相应的损失无法得到赔偿的,甲 方应承担赔偿责任。

  3、乙方未按照约定支付租金及其他费用的,应每日向甲方支付 迟延金额的 %作为违约金。

  4、乙方应按照合同约定及甲方规章制度使用甲方场地、进行会 展活动,有违反约定或甲方规章制度行为的,乙方应赔偿损失并向甲 方支付违约金。

  5、乙方举办的会展活动必须取得国家法律所要求的所有批准文 件,否则应自行承担有关责任和后果。

  如出现以上情况,不影响甲方 按约定收取租金的权利。


  第十三条 合同解除: 合同解除条件:

  第十四条 争议解决: 本合同项下发生的争议,由双方当事人协商解决,或向有关部门 申请调解解决;协商或调解解决不成的,按下列第 种方式解决。

  1、提交 仲裁委员会仲裁;

  2、依法向 人民法院起诉。

  第十五条 不可抗力: 因发生自然灾害、重大疫情等不可抗力或突发事件的,经核实可 全部或部分免除责任,但应及时通知对方,并在合理期限内提供有效 证明。

  第十六条 其他约定:






  如 两种文本有分歧,以中文文本为准。

  任何修改须以书面形式并由双方 签字同意。


  附件由双方签字确 认,与本合同具有同等效力。


  甲方(签章): 乙方(签章): 住所: 住所: 法人代表: 法人代表: 经办人: 经办人:

  联系方式: 联系方式: 开户银行: 开户银行: 银行帐号: 银行帐号: 签订日期:


  合同编号: Contract Number:

  出租方(甲方):Lessor (Party A):

  承租方(乙方)Lessee (Party B):


  In accordance with “Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China” and other relevant laws and regulations, the Parties have, based on the principles of equality, willingness, fairness, honest and credit, entered into the Contract concerning issues related to lease of exhibition place and agreed as follows:

  第一条 租赁场地及用途 Article 1 Lease Place and Purpose

  1.具体位置: Location:

  2.用途:用于乙方举办 活动。

  Purpose: to use for the activities of by Party B.

  第二条 租赁期限 Article 2 Term of Lease

  1.租赁期限为: 至 ;

  . The term of lease shall start from and end on ;

  第三条 使用时限 Article 3 Time Limited of Use

  1.乙方使用租赁区域的时限为 时至 时。

  在租赁期限内,乙方应在约定的时限内使用租赁区域;如乙方需在约定时限之外使用租赁区域的,应提前征得甲方同意并向甲方支付超时使用费,超时费用按照 方式计算。

  Party B will use the lease area from ’clock to ’clock. Within the term of lease, Party B shall use the lease area within the stipulated time, and shall obtain Party A’s approval in prior and pay overtime use fee to Party A in case Party B uses the lease area beyond the stipulated time.

  第四条 租金支付 Article 4 Rental Payment

  1.租金的计算按照以下标准计算: The rental shall be calculated as:

  2.租金预付 Prepayment of Rental

  3.定金:甲方在 前向乙方支付定金 元(最高不得超过总价款 (20%)。

  Earnest money: Party A shall pay Party B the earnest money of (not more than 20% of the total contract price at most) before .

  预付款:甲方在 前向乙方支付预付款 元。

  Advance payment: Party A shall pay Party B the advance payment of before

  4 余款支付: Payment of remaining money:

  5 支付方式: Payment method:

  第五条 甲方提供的基本服务 Article 5 Basic Services Provided by Party A


  Party A will provide Party B with the following basic services within the term of lease:


  Lighting of the original buildings in the lease area and public area;


  15-20 waiter;

  (3)音响系统及灯光系统 Acoustic system and Lighting system;

  (4)其他:提供DJ一名 Other stipulations: Supply a DJ for Lessee;


  A supplement agreement shall be entered into between the Parties in case Party B needs other services provided by Party A in addition to basic services.

  第六条 设施的使用 Article 6 Use of Facilities




  Party A shall provide true information regarding situation of the lease area to Party B before signing the Contract, together with written materials including on-site facilities and technical data. Party B shall provide true information of the exhibition to Party A, and to judge if the place could meet the exhibition requirements in accordance with the data materials provided by Party A.


  In case Party A fails to provide true information of the place and facilities, which causes Party B a failure in the exhibition, Party A shall compensate Party B for any loss incurred; Party B shall bear the loss if Party B fails to state clearly the situation of exhibits so that the site facilities could not meet the needs, and shall undertake the liability of compensation in case of damage to Party A’s facilities.



  Party A may assist Party B with building, installation, dismantling, removing of the booth and after- treatment at its own cost, which shall not interfere with other exhibitions and activities inside Party A’s place.


  Within the term of lease, the Parties shall together keep the lease area and public area clean and unobstructed.


  The following articles shall not be allowed into Party A’s place without Party A’s special permission in writing:


  Dangerous articles including but not limited to any weapon, gun, knife, sword, cartridge, explosive flammable articles, radioactive articles or other dangerous articles.


  Imported goods without the Customs’ permission.


  Any article affecting normal operation of Party A or forbidden by relevant authorities.

  第七条 甲方权利义务 Article 7 Rights and Obligations of Party A



  Party A shall be entitled to monitor Party B’s act to conform with stipulations contained herein and relevant rules and regulations of Party A within the term of lease, and prohibit any Party B’s act against relevant stipulations.


  Party A shall provide the place and relevant supporting facilities and operation conditions as stipulated to ensure the normal operation of exhibition by Party B.


  Except as otherwise clearly stipulated, Party A shall not interfere with Party B’s normal exhibition activities.


  Party A shall conduct property management to the market, and take charge of security inside the place and construction and maintenance of operation facilities, including management, repair and maintenance of buildings (including those in public area and lease area), inspecting and monitoring Party B’s decoration, management, repair and maintenance of equipment, pipelines, lines, facilities and system such as water, power, gas, air conditioning, escalators, and etc., cleaning management, security management and public security of the market, fire protection management, and management of all passageways, roads and parking lots inside and outside.

  第八条 乙方权利义务 Article 8 Rights and Obligations of Party B


  Party B shall use Party B’s place for the purpose as stipulated and observe Party A’s rules and regulations established in accordance with laws and accept Party A’s supervision.


  Party B shall pay the rental to Party A in time as stipulated herein.

  3. 乙方有责任维护租赁区域和公共区域的整洁。




  Party B shall have the liability to maintain the lease area and public area in a clean status. Upon expiration of the term of lease, Party B shall remove all its or the participating exhibitors’ articles for exhibition (booth, display, derelicts and garbage) out of the lease area. Any article that has not been removed out in time shall be treated as derelicts. Party B may also entrust Party A to treat the above articles at Party B’s cost.


  Party B shall use facilities inside the area in a reasonable way, and shall obtain Party A’s prior permission in case of need for equipment installation, exhibits display and publicizing advertisement setup, and shall undertake the liability for repair or compensation to any damage.


  Party B shall pledge that it or its customers will not have any unfair competition acts such as attack, damage or interference against Party A or other exhibitions at Party A’s place.


  Party B shall properly keep its own properties, and ensure its exhibits or other articles would not occupy or pile up at the non-lease area (including outdoor field); otherwise Party A shall be entitled to handle such exhibits and articles at Party B’s cost.


  Party B shall obtain Party A’s prior approval in case of needs of using Party A’s name, trademark and logo for publicizing the exhibition; otherwise Party B shall undertake the legal liabilities incurred hereby.

  第九条 违约责任 Article 9 Default Liabilities

  1.甲方未按约定提供场地或用水、用电等市场内的经营设施或条件致使乙方不能正常经营 的,应减收相应租金,乙方有权要求甲方继续履行合同或解除合同,并要求甲方赔偿相应的损失。

  In case Party A fails to provide the place or water, power and other operation facilities or conditions in the market, which causes Party B a failure in normal operation, Party A shall reduce the amount of rental, and Party B shall be entitled to request Party A to continue to perform the Contract or terminate the Contract, and to compensate for relevant loss.

  2.乙方未按照约定支付租金及其他费用的,应每日向甲方支付迟延金额的 %的违约金。

  In case Party B fails to pay the rental and other expenses as stipulated, it shall pay Party A the liquidated damages as per % of the amount not duly paid for each day overdue.

  第十条 争议解决 Article 10 Settlement of Disputes

  本合同项下发生的争议,由双方当事人协商解决,或向有关部门申请调解解决;协商或调解解决不成的,按下列第 种方式解决。

  Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Contract shall be settled by the Parties through consultation, or may be submitted to relevant department for mediation; failing the same,

  of the following ways shall be adopted.

  (一)依法向人民法院起诉; File a lawsuit to People’s Court in accordance with laws;


  Submit the dispute to Arbitration Committee for arbitration.

  第十一条 不可抗力 Article 11 Force Majeure


  In case of any force majeure or emergency such as natural disasters and key epidemic situations, liabilities may, upon verification, be exempted wholly or partly; however, it shall be notifyed to the other party in time and effective certify shall be provided within a reasonable time.

  第十二条 其他约定 Article 12 Miscellaneous


  The Contract shall become effective upon signing and sealing of the Parties.


  The Contract shall be served in two originals, Party A holding one originals and Party B holding one.





  The Contract shall be made in both Chinese and English, and two versions shall have the same legal force. In case of any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. Any modification thereto shall be made in writing and signed by the Parties for permission.



  Issues not settled in the Contract may be supplemented in the appendix hereof, which, upon signing of the Parties, shall have the same legal force with the Contract.

  甲方(签章):Party A (Seal): 乙方(签章):Party A (Seal):

  签订日期:Date: 签订日期:Date:








